SharePoint Saturday Rhode Island

SharePoint Saturday Rhode Island I’m looking forward to SharePoint Saturday Rhode Island (SPSRI) this weekend. If you haven’t registered yet, register here.  SPSRI is being organized through the Rhode Island SPUG, and with the assistance of Joshua Cliff, Chris Pereira and Chris McNulty. When: Saturday, November 9th, 2013, all day starting with at keynote at 9 AM.…

Love Hate Relationship with Technology

OK.  I’m frustrated and that is why I’m posting right now.  I’ve got a ton of gadgets.  I love technology.  I just spent the last 40 minutes doing something that should have taken me 3 minutes. <fullDisclosure> Caution: Entering a rant </fullDisclosure> So, I’m in my living room which has an old school stereo amplifier/receiver connected to…

War of the Cloud Drives

War of the Cloud Drives Today, users have many choices for synchronizing files and backing important memories and personal assets including music, pictures, notes, business documents, and other personal or business files.  Recently Microsoft and Google have upped the ante against Dropbox and Apple with their latest offerings.  The offerings range from free to premium…

Will 2011 mark the beginning of Manycore?

As we enter the second decade of the third millennium, I have been thinking about my previous talks on a “Manycore future.”  Based on trends of single core use in desktop computers and mobile devices, which has ended on the desktop and looks to end soon on smart phones, plus the growth of multi-core computing, primarily…